Restorative Arlington

Welcome to Restorative Arlington

We are dedicated to bringing restorative justice practices to Arlington County’s legal system, schools, and the community. What started as a grassroots initiative to build community and respond to local needs in January 2020, has now evolved into our own community based restorative justice practices nonprofit, Restorative Arlington!

We create connection, belonging, and safety for all community members. We:

Build capacity to implement and use restorative practices by providing knowledge, space, and tools

Strengthen our community through practices that build mutual understanding among people

Empower people who have been harmed to exercise their voice and choice

Promote healing, accountability, repair and restoration

Create space for all people to meet their needs with dignity, compassion, and courage

Restorative Justice is the process of involving those who have a stake in a specific offense and collectively identify and address harms, needs, and obligations, in order to heal and put things as right as possible. These processes range from proactive peacebuilding circles designed to build relationships and prevent conflict to responsive conflict resolution processes that can repair and resolve harm from complex, systemic, multi-generational, multi-party conflict. Check out our infographic for more information.

Restorative practices have their origin in indigenous knowledge. They offer community members powerful tools to create and strengthen the connections and sense of belonging that weave our relationships, families, neighborhoods, and organizations together. Circles and Conference processes are commonly used by:

  • Neighborhood groups

  • Schools

  • Workplaces

  • Faith-based organizations

  • Recreation centers

  • Service providers

  • Advocacy groups and people in many other settings can learn and use restorative circle and conferencing processes.

The dignity, mutual caring, and inclusion that people experience through these practices deepens understanding across differences, leading to greater harmony and reduced conflict. See this video for more.

Be part of the solution

If you are interested in becoming involved:

Learn more from recommended videos, articles, books and audio files in our communication kit

Read the Restorative Arlington Strategic Plan

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